Short CV
2018–2022: PhD in Black Digital Studies. School of Culture, Languages and Area Studies. University of Nottingham. Funded by Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (AHRC). Supervisory Team: Dr Jen Birks, Dr Kennetta Hammond Perry, Dr Karen Salt.
2016–2017: M.A American Studies. School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. University of Nottingham. Dissertation: 'Millennial Black Feminism: Black Women, Visibility and Popular Culture in the Black Lives Matter Era'.
2016–2013: B.A English and American Literature. University of Birmingham.
2022–present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Race and Ethnicity in the UK Film Sector. "The Colour of Diversity: A Longitudinal Analysis of BFI Diversity Standards Data and Racial Inequality in the UK Film Industry." Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London.
2022: Research Associate. "Creator Labour: Screen Production Cultures and Transmedia Intersectionality in Yorkshire." Management School, University of Sheffield.
2022: Outreach Research Assistant. "Bridging the Resource Gap." British Association of American Studies.
2021–2022: Research Assistant. "Creator Labour: Screen Production Cultures and Transmedia Intersectionality in Yorkshire." Department of Media and Performance, University of Huddersfield.
2019–2020: Oral Historian. "When We Worked at Raleigh 1950-80." Nottingham Black Archives.
2018: Research Assistant. "Research Excellence Framework Impact Case Study" Centre for Research in Race and Rights. University of Nottingham.
2017–2018: Research Assistant for "Geographies of Black Protest." Centre for Research in Race and Rights. University of Nottingham
2015: Research Assistant. "Re-envisioning the Everyday Life." Department of American Studies. University of Birmingham.
2022 - present: Adjunct Professor in Race, Gender and the Media (COM 346). Syracuse University-London.
2019–2020: Teaching Affiliate (undergraduate): Approaches to Contemporary American Culture 2: Developing Theories and Perspectives (Q41402). University of Nottingham.
2018–2019: Seminar Lead (postgraduate): Approaches to American Studies (Q44018). University of Nottingham.
2017–2018: Academic Learning Coach, Functional Skills teacher, and ESOL teacher. Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College, Birmingham.
Selected Activities
2020-2021: Postgraduate Representative. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. University of Nottingham.
2019–2020: Director of Black Studies academic reading group. University of Nottingham.
2019: Co-organiser of Anticipating Black Futures inaugural symposium. Birmingham City University & Millennium Point
2019: Co-organiser of Digital Cultures conference. University of Nottingham.